Pameran Akademik Food Science 4th Year
This is the timetable that you guys have filled in. Pls inform other friends of yours if they have not fill in. There are more students than the slots available. But Datin hopes that all of us support this event. And since she's taking the attendance, I'm not really sure if she'll check... And if there are still empty slots, I'll randomly pick the rest to fill it. Dont wanna make Datin angry later dunno what will happen to us.
To those who are participating, you will be give RM5 each. Attendance will be taken. There will be a form with the schedule and you need to sign for your attendance and when you have been given the RM5.
Things that you need to bring:
1. Pen/pencil/stationery to sign and write people's BMI etc.
2. Lab coat to look 'professional'
3. Water to drink. I do not think SSMP is providing it for you.
Regarding the attendance for lecture, there should be no lectures for this week because it's convo week (Issa, 2009). And even if there is lecture, you just need to inform the lecturer that you are involved in the pameran akademik ssmp. So should be no problem.
What to do when you are there:
1. Do anthropometric measurement to whoever interested. Something like what we did for the gaya street. Height, weight, waist/hip measurement, and bio-impedance. There will be forms for you to write the details of the measurement and to be given to the ppl you have measured. You are also required to record the info in a green log book for Datin's usage.
2. If you are shift 1, you need to set up the instrument for height measurement, prepare the table etc. Ensure that all the instruments are in the box.
3. If you are shift 2, make sure that when you keep the instruments at the end of the day, everything must be well kept.
A check list of the instruments:
1. Omron - 2 units with batt in it
2. Weighing machine - 1 unit
3. Height measurement - 1 unit (inc. 2 parts of the stand and 4 parts of the ruler)
4. Extra batteries - 2 pack (1 totally new, 1 staple on)
5. Measuring tape - 1 unit
6. Log book (green colour) - 1 unit
In the schedule attached in the email, the names highlighted are the ketua. So if you found that some instruments went missing, go look for the previous shift ketua. SSMP pameran akademik is at booth No 6. Please be punctual. There will be other lab assistants and lecturers having duties at the booth as well. We dont want them to complain about us or report to datin.
Any problem, please call Melissa Tan at 012-204 3722
Thanks a lot and a bunch...
By: Melissa Tan, 5 October 2009, Mon, 7.18pm