Friday, June 5, 2009

Pre-Registration of Courses

We can actually start to Pre-register our courses we want to take for Semester1, Session 2009/2010.

To Pre-register your courses, please follow the steps below:
(* remember to use Internet Explorer)
  1. Check the Timetable for all the courses you want to take.
  2. Log into your SMP account then select the courses you want to take for your program (Food Tech/ food science)
  3. To register for minor, Dora teach us: Click at the column ends at 'Senarai Kursus Yang Ditawarkan Kepada Pelajar bagi Tahun/Semester:' and change it to semeste 3/1
  4. Double click on the minor that you want to take for Semester 1, session 2009/10.
  5. Check all subjects you wanted are in the 'Senarai Kursus yang Diambil oleh Pelajar'
  6. If correct, then click on the 'Simpan Pendaftaran' and the system will tell you that your courses is registered.
  7. Print it out. If not at least PrintScreen and save it.

The Pre-regustration period is : 2 June 2009 until 14 June 2009(Sunday),

Please register as soon as possible.

Also shared this information will your friends and ask them to quickly pre-register before deadline.

Enjoy your day!

By: Jian Ming, 5 June 2009 (Friday), 09.02am

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